Monday, December 15, 2014

CPM Thrillers: Leveraging Short Terms for CPM

Leveraging Short Term Teams for CPM Long Term Impact

“Which of you ladies would like to go first in sharing with our Muslim taxi driver your personal story of God’s story in your life?”, turning to two of the six guests who had just arrived from 45 hours of travel to our island.

Whenever we host a short term team, we also have them agree to six weeks worth of pre-field CPM intro and practical preparation to implement in their home area beforehand.

The two women jumped in immediately, though tired, they knew these were the few moments of a 10 day trip in which to trust God to be useful to the long term CPM efforts among these UPGs.

Injections of specified meds at much needed moments in the life of a hospital patient are intended to produce the desired effect.

In the same way, short-term teams, if planned in a strategic way, can be leveraged to actually inject a necessary ingredient to the long-term efforts.

After the women shared their personal stories of how God drew them to Himself, the taxi driver became engaged in wanting to discuss the straight and true way of God, made known through Jesus Christ.

I offered for this man to meet with my husband in order to dig into the stories of the prophets who point the way to know God.