Monday, October 9, 2023

DMM: Dealing with Opposition to CPM



Dealing with Opposition to CPM-George Patterson 

Patterson: “I think this is a greater problem than most missionaries and especially most mission agency leaders realize.  It is universal and not limited to one mission agency.

I have mentored dozens of missionaries through the years who have started and sustained Church Planting Movements and in every case they have been painfully attacked by their own colleagues or other missionaries and agencies in the area.  I guess the critics feel that they have to justify their lack of fruit by criticizing that missionary or his churches.  It’s extremely easy to find fault with another man’s ministry.

I know anyone who followed me around could find all kinds of faults with things I did.  Their criticism would have been totally valid. However, the only thing is they are doing it with the wrong motive.  Not to help me as much as to justify their lack of fruit in seeing churches multiply.

And so I think this is a human reaction.  The opponents say, ”I go to the field.  I’m working hard.”  ”I’m making huge sacrifices.”   “I’m doing everything right, as far as I can see, and yet I’m not seeing churches multiply.”  Here’s another guy that comes in and his churches are multiplying.”  So the opponents first reaction is, “He’s gotta be doing something wrong.” “Those churches will be weak.”

The big criticism that I hear, I’ve heard many times,  “You are starting churches that are a mile wide and an inch deep”.  “Oh you’re baptizing way too soon. I could start a big church too if I just baptized anyone.”

I think that it is a universal problem and it hurts.  Many missionaries have washed out because of it.  Many have resigned mission agencies because of this problem.  Not because of the agency. I don’t know a single case where it was the agency itself that caused the problem.  It was coworkers within that agency who were short sighted.

Instead of thanking God and praising God for what is happening, instead of going to the missionary who was seeing results, instead of being humble about it, and saying, “Okay, what are you doing? Help me.”  The knee jerk reflex often is to find something wrong.

Because this is so universal and so prevalent and causes so much pain and damage I think our seminaries that train missionaries.  All mission training programs, mission executives, ought to take a long hard look at it.  Face it and admit that it’s going on and then prepare the mission candidates.

Prepare both the more conservative, older traditional missionaries who do most of the criticizing and the newer ones who want to break with some of the traditions and just follow more New Testament simple patterns.  That’s where the rub comes.  They throw rocks at each other.  Prepare them both and teach that this is just plain sin.  You teach them to love both, prepare them both and help one another.”

Moves of God

There are significant differences and similarities between Revivals and Church Planting Movements.  Claude King and Henry Blackaby correctly defined Revival as renewing God’s people to do God’s work.  CPMs are Spiritual Awakenings. The common denominator between Revivals and Church Planting Movements are that both are “Moves of God.”   Pioneers in Revivals and CPMs should not be surprised that having opposition to a Move of God is par for the course.  When we recognize this fact it helps us not to take the oppositions’ criticisms so personally.

In 2000-2001, I was trained and coached by Dr. George Patterson at Western Seminary to jump-start CPMs among those who had little to no access to the gospel.   He warned me of the opposition to the CPM vision but I had no idea what I was in for.  Patterson once told me how he dealt with opposition to the CPM he started in Honduras.  “I had to find my sanity in the pages of Church History.”

I found the sermon about Nehemiah from Second Great Awakening Evangelist, Charles Finney extremely encouraging.  Lectures of Religion: Hinderances to Revival 1835

THIS servant of God had come down from Babylon to rebuild the temple and re-establish the worship of God at Jerusalem, the city of his fathers’ sepulchres. (Tombs). When it was discovered by Sanballat and certain individuals, his allies, who had long enjoyed the desolations of Zion, that now the temple, and the holy city were about to be rebuilt, they raised a great opposition. Sanballat and the other leaders tried in several ways to divert Nehemiah and his friends, and prevent them from going forward in their work.  Finally, Sanballat sent a message to Nehemiah, requesting him to meet in the plain of Ono, to discuss the whole matter amicably.  They had found that they could not frighten Nehemiah, and now they wanted to come and draw him off from the vigorous prosecution of his work. But he replied, “I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down: why should the work cease, whilst I come down to you?”

It has always been the case, whenever any of the servants of God do any thing in his cause, and there appears to be a probability that they will succeed, that Satan by his agents regularly attempts to divert their minds and nullify their labors. So it has been during the last ten years, in which there have been such remarkable revivals through the length and breadth of the land. These revivals have been very great and powerful, and extensive. It has been estimated that not less than TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND persons have been converted to God in that time.

But whenever those who are actively engaged in promoting a revival get excited at the unreasonableness and pertinacity of the opposition, and feel as if they could not have it so, and they lose their patience, and feel as if they must answer their cavils and refute the slanders, then they get down into the plains of Ono, and the work must cease.  And the devil has been busy in his devices to divert and distract the people of God, and turn off their energies from pushing forward the great work of salvation.

History of Opponents to Moves of God and their Heretical descendants

  Sanballat’s grandson Sanballat II built the Temple on Mt. Gerazim, the center of the Samaritan cult.

  The Waldensians and the underground house church movements of the pre-Reformation moves of God had Pope Innocent III.  Innocent later launched the Fourth and last Crusade.  This misdirected Fourth Crusade sacked Constantinople and poisoned relations between the Eastern and Western Church.

  Martin Luther and the Reformation had John Tetzel and the Pope’s Counter Reformation.  Tetzel pushed indulgences to build the St. Peter’s Basilica at Rome.

  Charles Chauncy, the opponent of Jonathan Edwards and the New Lights of the First Great Awakening later founded the Unitarian-Universalist Church.

  Colonial Governor Tryon of North Carolina and vigorous promoter of the State run Anglican church violently opposed the New Light descendants of Shubel Stearns.  Stearns was the minister used to ignite the Sandy Creek Church Planting Movement/Revival in North Carolina and the resulting 2,000  daughter, granddaughter and great grand-daughter Baptist Churches that became the majority of the Southern Baptist Convention.   30 years later during the Revolutionary War General Tryon was recorded as having the most cases of rape and murder of Americans under his command than any other British officer.

Practical Suggestions to deal with Critics

  Like Nehemiah “Don’t get down in the plains of Ono” and let the opposition distract your focus from training new believers and training the leaders to reach new Unreached Peoples.

  “Don’t shoot your Judas.  God may use him to take you to your destiny.”

  Let those who actually have seen CPMs verify and evaluate what God is doing and humbly submit to their suggestions.

  Help Mission Agencies determine what their attitude, reactions and procedures will be before CPMs start.

  It doesn’t matter how much verification you get many missionaries will never believe that CPMs are real.  This still would be the case even if someone were to rise from the dead and verify what God was doing.

  Get several other experienced CPM trainers to encourage you and your teams.

  Embrace the cross and the ridicule and keep your eyes on Jesus.

  Take a few months to raise your own support base rather than having all of your support coming from one source.  This keeps you free to follow the Holy Spirit.

  Relocate to a different area, either temporarily or permanently only visiting on occasion as Christ commanded. “If you are persecuted in one town, flee to another.”   Matthew 10.

  Recognize that Opposition is Par for the Course in relation to Church Planting Movements.  Keep your sanity by reading what others did when faced with opposition in Scripture and Church History.

  Don’t get a Martyr’s Complex, thinking you are the only one who has been attacked.  God told Elisha, “I have 7,000 who have not bowed their knees to Baal or whose mouths have kissed him.” I Kings 19:18.

  “Bless those who curse you and pray for those who mistreat you.”  Luke 6:28

  Your opponents are acting as mere puppets in the hands of Satan.  Recognize that your fight is with him and battle in prayer.


DMM: Vision Cast to Naysayers of CPM

Vision Cast for the Launch of Cascading Movements to Christ

Greetings from L*b*k. I will throw my hat in the ring here as a female rep of what "anti-DMM" voices we commonly face on the field as well as back in our sending country.

One of the ways we have been able to talk about Disciple Making Movements (DMM) is to hugely emphasize God's glory as THE end vision. Steve Smith states it well in Spirit Walk as I paraphrase, in missions long ago we had spiritual giants who were methodological pygmies. Today we seem to see some orgs sending spiritual pygmies who are methodological giants. We have actually and sadly observed there is a third category: spiritual pygmies who are methodological pygmies. When meeting with certain orgs there is a strong ring of truth to the above. I wholeheartedly agree w DH, DC, and SP on their observations.


There also seems to be a rising militancy in push back against DMM. To get to the epicenter of push back of reasons orgs refuse DMM hits on three basic reasons which a dear friend once shared with me:

1. Entrenchment (institutionalized non-reproducing of disciples, focus on cherry-picking low lying fruit rather than audacious harvest mindset...settled paradigms of "this is as good as it gets")

2. Stubbornness-refusal to look at signs of the times as well as stuck in paradigms of "cannot shift our folks into basics of making reproducing disciples-too confining") Refusal to re-examine biblical concepts of reaching others as opposed to settling for "experiential", more anecdotal in nature.

3. Embedded and wedded to highly emotional value ministries. Non-reproducing humanitarian ministries.


We have recently spent time with three of the most anti-DMM orgs (we tend to encounter) field people. One way we have been able to vision cast:

1. Start with End Vision of how to reach Great Commission in order to see God's glory among said UPG? Use 1% exercise

2. Ask each person to take five minutes to write out their planned pathway to obey the One whom they love to make disciples as matthew 28 commands? (Most missionaries in other orgs do not have slighted idea in the "how" in the question above)

3. After they write out, have them exchange their written pathway with another. Have samplings read out loud. Then ask the group the question "How well could another person walk out this pathway?"

We did this recently with a group and the greatest push back they could give was, "well, unless DMM pathway is something that is true for me then 1,966+ traceable CPMs in world today cannot be valid."


Conclusion: DMM is not the end vision, God's glory is! In line with desire for God's glory we need to follow silly simple reproducible pattern which Jesus modeled. If our end vision is more about God's glory then His story begins to consume me. DMM is the most effective way we have seen in making reproducible disciple makers in our now 32 yrs on the field to see His glory proclaimed/demonstrated.


Let's continue to choose to be ALL-IN for the launch of movements. Let's continue to be gracious while tenacious for God's glory for the launch of DMMs among the uupgs/upgs.


Resources as one encounters those who are anti-Movements:


You Tube Vision Cast videos-Steve Smith discusses DMM


You tube Vision Cast for Dialogue of Differences between Disciple Making Movements vs. Traditional Church Planting Debate


Various Articles available-Mission is excellent in most of their issues are addressing CPMs.

LD Waterman response to anti-CPM concerns

Dave Coles on CPM essentials found in Jonathan Edwards


Various other articles:

Steve Smith-A Biblical Exegesis of Movements


Stan Parks-Only God Can Start a Church Planting Movement


Excellent Blog on DMMs by C.Anderson

George Patterson

Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS)

DTS-Dr. Curtis Sergeant-Being a Disciple Worth Reproducing
DTS-Dr. Curtis Sergaent-Persecution, Suffering and Discipleship
DTS-Dr. Curits Sergeant- Overview of Church Planting Movement Strategies

Motus Dei: The Movement of God to Disciple the Nations by Warrick Farah  book responds to the main objections of Church Planting Movements 



Sunday, October 8, 2023

DMM: Strategic Intercession Over Strongholds


Strategic Intercession Over Strongholds:

The weapons of our warfare are not the weapons of the world. Instead, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We tear down arguments and everypresumption set up against the knowledge of God; and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, as soon as your obedience is complete.…2 Corinthians 10:3-6

Strongholds Among Unreached People Groups in Austronesian Affinity Bloc (SEAsia):
Fear, Distractions, Unbelief/Disbelief (That God wants to see these peoples give Him praise due His Name, for His glory)  

What Kingdom opposites are we asking you to join us in prayer for breakthrough?
For DMM Catalyst Teams and new disciplemakers from among UPGs in SEAsia:
  • Increase of God-centric confidence in each DMM team and new disciples of Jesus  (2 Corinthians 3:4-5, Phil. 1:6)
  • Increase of God-centric competence (teachability to learn Holy Spirit-led skills) in each of DMM team and new disciples of Jesus (2 Tim. 3:17, Ephesians 5:18)
  • Increase of daily fervency in listening prayer, in movement mindset intercession, in Holy Spirit dependence (Mark 4: 13-29)
  • Increase of love for Jesus, hear and obey as lifestyle (I John 4:17-19, John 14:15) 
  • Increase of standing firm in position in Christ (Ephesians 1)
  • Increase to Armor up, guarding one’s heart (Ephesians 6)
  • Increase of deeper routines in the Word daily, listening prayer consistently, strategic mindset intercession daily (Psalm 90)
  • Increase faith in each Beyond-er to see God move each of our UPG Clusters forward this year (John 14:11-13)
  • Increase of a lifestyle of "urgency and grit" to persevere for the LORD's fame and renown, for His good pleasure (Matthew 24:14)

Almighty God, In every way You are above and beyond understanding. Matchless are Your ways. Stir in the hearts of the SaSumBi a hunger to love you, obey you, and worship You with abandon, as they place their trust in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

DMM: A Shaman Befuddled

 A Shaman (Folk Islam Witchdoctor) Befuddled 

Shaman Ina appeared a bit befuddled. Overtly she was undone by what she heard. Our time in her village began as we prayer walked the border of her island home in our area. Toothless, bright-eyed, and fully enthralled sat this Islamic witch doctor. As she and her adult niece interacted with me and another of the summer teamers, Maya, Shaman Ina could not believe what she was hearing. Maya had just shared her personal story of how Jesus transformed her life. Shaman Ina could hardly contain herself from trying to comfort Maya. As I translated Maya’s story, and as we train others to do, Maya was sharing the condition of her life before Jesus drew her to faith in Him.

It was at this point that I realized that Shaman Ina felt compelled to tell Maya, “Oh, honey, don’t worry about those sad things in your life.” I shared with Shaman Ina that she is so kind to want to comfort but she is going to be so elated when she finds out how Isa Al Masih brought healing and comfort, better than any human words could ever bring.

Maya continued by sharing how Jesus drew her to Him, and how He has indeed brought healing and comfort in not just that “area” of life but brought His hope and purpose for all of life abundantly. 
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!…-Matthew 6:21-23

Again, we felt prompted to ask Shaman Ina if she wanted to know what we see in her eyes.
In the same wooden house on stilts sat the head of the village, alongside various family members, some of whom were Imam level Islamic adherents. While Maya and I shared with Shaman Ina and her niece, two others in our group shared similarly with the Imam and Village leader. 
We praise God for the recent summer team of college students, which we were able to train in that which helped to launch even more Discovery Groups of Muslims being brought to Christ.

These students, as well our local Indonesian teams are trained in a process, when one is starting out in a given Unreached People Group, for the desired launch of Disciple Making Movements:
7 High Value Weekly Disciple-Making Movement activities
  1. Focus on God’s Word and the Holy Spirit  (John 6:44-45)
  2. Multiply Extraordinary Prayer and Fasting  (Matthew 11:20-25)
  3. Look for Persons of Peace, who will open up their households/friends group (Mt. 10, Luke 10)
  4. Help start newer Discovery Groups (27 of 30 cases reaching households in the book of Acts)
  5. Vision cast to others to do likewise (Revelation 5:9-11, Revelation 6:9-11, Revelation 7:9-11, Habakkuk 2:14, Matthew 24:14)
  6. Train others to do likewise (Model-Assist-Watch-Leave/Coach)(2 Timothy 2:2)
  7. On-going coaching in making reproducing disciplemakers (Matthew 28:18-20)
Prayer Requests:
  • Ask God to open these households as they are followed up
  • Ask God for continued breakthrough, in persistent shameless unrelenting intercession for the SaSumBi. Luke 18 (Parable of the persistent widow=Shameless in the Greek)

DMM: Beyond the Eyes

 Beyond the Eyes

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. 
The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!…-Matthew 6:21-23

You don’t get wormy apples off a healthy tree, nor good apples off a diseased tree. The health of the apple tells the health of the tree. You must begin with your own life-giving lives. It’s who you are, not what you say and do, that counts. Your true being brims over into true words and deeds.-Luke 6:45

The heart is deceitful above all things,
    and desperately sick;
    who can understand it?-Jeremiah 17:9

...for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,-Romans 3:23

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.-Romans 6:23

But God,...Ephesians 2

To say that Madiah was intrigued by her new two American friends would be an understatement. Was she curious as to the difference they described in the life they have been walking with Jesus, as their Lord and Savior? How could the interactions with these infidels be so heartwarming, she must have pondered.  What made them different?
Madiah and two of our recent summer teamers from the University of Texas and Texas A&M, sat with me one afternoon. While translating for Hna and Pyn, they shared powerfully their personal story of God’s story in their lives and how they were drawn to be transformed as Jesus’ disciples. By the now second meeting with Madiah, the Holy Spirit was stirring her heart to discover more of this relationship with God in Christ. Madiah asked to hear more. Using the Discover App, we read together one of what we call “felt needs-on-ramp” Discovery Bible Stories.  Usually after a bit of filtering we invite the person and their household to discover more of God through a basic Creation to Christ story set. 
With this fully veiled SaSumBi woman, we felt led to share Matt. 6:21-23. We walked through the usual process of 8 Discovery Questions. When we find potential people of peace and their households/friends group whom God is drawing, there are usually a few distinct ways we can know based upon the patterns which Jesus modeled.
“Person of Peace” (PoP)  (Matthew 10, Luke 10)       
  • WELCOMES / HOSTS us – often feeds us and wants us to stay in their home 
  • OPENS their oikos (family/group/community/network) to the Good News (not necessarily the disciple-maker gets into the oikos but sometimes the PoP is passing on the gospel) 
  • LISTENS to us as we share about God /a new spiritual message. (Not necessarily receiving the message, but willing to listen to it.) So obviously this is a LOST person. 
We continued…
“Madiah, as followers of Isa AlMasih, we know that He has ALL power and authority over darkness. In the Bible, Isa Al Masih states that He is the Light of the world and in Him there is no darkness. My friends, Hna, Pyn, and I are followers of Isa Al Masih. We know that He reveals where there is darkness and no light. The Word of God also teaches that EVERY person is sinful and separated from God, the One and only Holy One. Do you want us to share what we see as we look into your eyes?"
I ventured, “Madiah, I see in your eyes a woman who expresses a hunger for the Light of Isa Al Masih, but that you feel hindered in your attempts to that end. You are held back in a desire to discover more of who this Isa is in the Word of God. I see that you are one who covers with your veil but you wonder if God really sees you. Is this accurate?”
Prayer Requests:
  • Pray for Madiah and her household as we follow up in the next DBS story. (John 6:44-45, 2 Peter 5:9)
  • Pray for reproducing local leaders to be strengthened in leadership development, tethering themselves to the Word, living lives worthy to be followed, and walking in Holy Spirit-empowered ways. 
  • Pray for dramatic answers to prayer leading to breakthroughs among the SaSumBi.