David Garrison in his book entitled Church Planting Movements emphasizes,
“We pray because our vision exceeds our abilities.
Prayer is the soul’s deepest cry of rebellion against the way things are. It’s seeing the lost of this world and crying out, “This does not glorify God, and so, by God’s grace, it must change.”
New Wine, New Wineskins (Luke 5:37-39)
When one thinks of prayer, there might be a templated assumption, which may or may not be born forth of God's heart. The End Vision of His glory and His purposes might be somewhat lacking, as we continue the area of intercession. For me, not much in life worth reproducing is born forth apart from a growing relationship with ABBA Father. As I consider my own journey, all that informs my prayer life, is born from that which is yearns to walk in a long line of love and obedience of Jesus in the same direction. (To rephrase Eugene Peterson's book title A Long Obedience in the Same Direction.)
When it comes to End Vision informed prayer, in Disciple Making Movements, we are asking the Lord, "What must be done?" to help to see the launch of multiplying groups of disciples, who make disciple makers, who reproduce house churches, who are transformed by love and obedience to the Word and prompts of the Holy Spirit.
As the new disciple makers walk in transformed ways, as Jesus disciples, who make disciples, who make disciples, who make reproducing house churches, we see whole villages, communities, peoples, other peoples transformed with the power of the gospel likewise. When I mention that this is a simple, yet profoundly neglected base line obedience to make reproducing disciple makers, it does not mean that it is easy. Nor, does it mean that it is devoid of the messy. Just peak again at the letters to the churches in Corinth to be reminded of that Kingdom battle and reality.
Extraordinary Prayer is one of the key CPM/DMM critical elements, which helps teams to frame baseline patterns of what Jesus modeled/equipped/watched/coached.
Extraordinary Prayer defined= End Vision informed prayer, anchored in the Father's heart expressed in the Word, as led by the Holy Spirit. Gone are the days of prayer which is self focused, when one grows into the Father's heart, as on-goingly discovered by tethering all that we are to be and do upon the efficacy of God's Word and His purposes.
When we discuss the development of a Movement Mindset Prayer strategy, we like to think of two main aspects: 1. Content which reflects God's heart and purposes among the peoples of the earth, 2. Practice: How might the Lord like to increase strategic prayer and in what ways can we consider multiplying out this incredible privilege and command. All Movements are predicated upon a multiplying prayer strategy, which is anchored to Holy Spirit led dependence for both content and practice.
The following is a "tool", which a dear Movement leader colleague has developed, which is something highly reproducible. Take it and ask the Holy Spirit to bring whatever needed adaption on content for your given Unreached People Groups foci, as well as any of the Acts 1:8 foci which the Lord has you engaged as your main focus.
Simple Prayer Strategies (Amie P.)
Prayer is part of our JOB, not just an activity for our personal devotional time.
The name of this simple strategy is exactly what it is: 3 blocks of 5-minute prayers. During each block of time, pray for a different topic. Pick any topics you like. Examples could include:
1. 3 different sections of a psalm.
2. Lost people you know.
3. 3 UPGs.
4. Broader categories like the lost “back home,” the lost in your current neighbourhood, the unreached.
5. 3 issues your disciples are facing.
If at some point you want to make it four 5s instead of three, go for it! Or six. Or, maybe instead of adding more 5 minute blocks, you expand the time into 10-10-10. Great! Make this tool your own. But, start with three 5s. It's easy. It'll get you started. And that's the thing with prayer. We need to do it. So, start, and trust that God will grow you into more "5s" as time goes by.
Prayer Notebook
1. Buy a notebook.
2. Only write on the front side of each page.
3. Write a category for prayer at the top of each page, and then brainstorm a list of 5-8 points for each category.
4. Use the notebook to pray.
Having a prayer notebook is a good way to organize prayer. You can choose to simply pray through the different topics each day. Or, you can club it with the 5-5-5 strategy above. Even if your notebook is filled with topics, you can work your way methodically through the whole book. On Monday, you can pray through the first 3 categories in the notebook. Tuesday, pray through the next 3, etc., When you're done, go back to the beginning.
Below are potential categories to get you started with your notebooks:
1. God's End Vision. Write a list of Bible references about God’s End Vision on this page, like 1 Tim 2:4, MT 24:14, Rev 7:9-10, Mal 1:11, and Ps 96. There are many more. When it comes time to pray, use the verses as springboards for your prayers. As time goes by, add other verses to the list.
2. Your Vision for Your People. Has God given you a vision for your people? Write it down and pray into it. If it changes/grows/starts to be fulfilled or clarified, add to the page.
3. Christians You Know Who Need to Become Disciple Makers. Make a list of at least 5 names.
4. Lost People You Know. Make a list of at least 5 names. Or, if you don’t know the person’s name, write down “newspaper guy” or “chicken rice hawker stall lady.”
5. High Value DMM Activities. Examples could be extraordinary prayer, abundant seed sowing, shema, PoP, signs and wonders, households, vision casting. Make a list of at least 6-8. Pray for these things to start to happen in your people.
6. Obstacles to DMM. Examples could be fear, perfectionism, tradition, need for control, others' expectations, local buy-in, good things that aren't strategic, prayerlessness, etc. Make a list of at least 6-8. Pray against these things for your people.
7. Geography. What is the geography of your target area? Make a list of neighbourhoods, states, districts, counties, etc., however your area is divided. If you don’t know names, look them up. Pray over these areas.
8. Governmental Leaders. Who is over the city, state/province, district, country of your people group? Make a list. Pray for them.
9. For God’s Kingdom to Come. What would it look like for God’s Kingdom to come to your people? Would forgiveness be unleashed? Curses lifted? Girls finally honoured along with sons? Wives loved instead of beaten? Make a list of at least 6-8 things. Pray for these things to start to happen in your people.
10. For God to Protect Us from the Evil One. What does the evil one do in your people? Is there a lot of death? Fear? Bitterness? Illness? Make a list of at least 6-8 things. Ask God to break down/through these issues for your people.
As time goes by, add more points to these lists, and add new categories to your notebook. Use the notebook to fuel your prayers for the 5-5-5 strategy, or pray through the topics in another way. Make this strategy your own AND teach it to others! Let’s not only pray, but also multiply prayer.