In the Waiting Room/POPs
Cancer has a way of levelling the playing field of one's heart. Today, the Father had me enter into the suffering of one such person. Pale, yet bright eyed, was the look of utter disbelief which greeted me this day. Ms. Dian waited in the airport lounge. As Sp and I scanned the room for a place to situate ourselves, this small waif of a woman smiled as she motioned to come sit by her.
Tired from several days of travels along with some sweet opportunities to vision cast for DMM/CPM in our country, I warmed at this act of kindness.
I knew the Father was on the move, I sensed the Holy Spirit invite to engage this woman. Two hours passed in the sharing of stories of life, hunger to know Allah, and deep areas of suffering shared. Shema statements, discussions on the story of Jesus healing the woman with the issue of blood (Matthew 9:18-26) , and the offer to look at the stories of Allah's heart for each of us found in the OT and NT, were the ways in which the Holy Spirit led.
To offer the Discovery Bible Study stories to a potential POP (Person of Peace) is the usual next step at the moment we encounter people along the way.
Pray for Ms. Dian as I connect her to one of our local partners who lives in her city, located 15 hours drive distance. Again, no matter where we go, no matter what other agendas we might be considering, the Holy Spirit prepare the hearts who want to be found. That is the DNA of a POP.
Lord, make the lifestyle of asking You for the eyes to see where You are working to be the contagion which infects my every want and guides my every step.
Reminders to evaluate:
(reproduce by training new believers to immediately look for others they can disciple)
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