Monday, April 24, 2023

DMM: Embrace the Messy

Recently I was approached by a foreign worker from another organization. “I want you to let me know if you have any local workers in your network who would partner with me for an unengaged, unreached people group (UUPG). I’m only looking for godly people who are highly mature, thoroughly tested, and impervious to temptation; those who know suffering and can take it.” Interestingly, he did not offer to come alongside and develop those who might feel called to that particular UUPG.

My playful side wanted to respond, “So, what you are looking for is a ready-made disciple like the Apostle Paul?” Thankfully, grace and mercy in the nudging of the Holy Spirit’s conviction prevented that response.

In Matthew 9:37-38, Jesus admonishes the disciples: ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’

Many times the fruit goes rotten for lack of harvesters among unreached people groups (UPGs). In Western cultures, instant gratification is generally the norm. Fast food drive-thru is the main course for millions. Our Western culture craves the satisfaction of every longing, every impulse. And we want it all instantaneously, not later; certainly not through a process.  

This is far from the process of developing disciple makers we see in Disciple Making Movements (DMM). When starting from scratch, we often feel worn out from pouring into others’ lives. But that is what we do as disciples of the Lord Jesus: we make reproducing disciples. We follow the patterns Jesus laid out, as we select others into whom we pour patterns of discipleship. God led Barnabas and Paul to disciple faithful, available, teachable people.

In the DMM process, we often start with a lump of clay. That pretty much sums up the condition of our hearts before God molds us into Christlike displays, obedience-based followers, and worship-thirsty disciple makers. He intends to be made famous through us, his desired vessels of honor, for His honor.

Much to the dismay of many Western missionaries, discipleship of an oikos (a household/relational group) and indigenous leaders is a long and messy process. There are no ready-made, pretrained disciple makers among UPGs.

That is one of the main reasons these groups remain unreached. Few disciple makers are going to them. Even near-culture Christians often have areas of bondage in their lives which need the redemptive power of Christ – so they can walk in freedom and become vessels of honor. Isn’t that true of each of us?

We cannot shy away from the process of disciple making with those whom God is raising up among near-culture laborers and alongside indigenous persons of peace (Luke 10:6) and their respective oikos.

Making disciples through Discovery Bible Study helps reduce harmful dependency. I love that reality. I love that from the start, as we partner with the Holy Spirit and God’s Word, we can invite others to engage with the Father and effectively share with others in this way. Through this process, God’s Spirit multiplies obedient worshipers and servants of Jesus, to the glory of His Name.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

DMM-A Biblical "M" Work Ethic


Big Distractions and the Big Compel

In our American slice of the Bride of Christ, I have observed that there is a tendency to let our cultural grid predispose us to an embrace of non-biblical worldview orientations. Like myself, have you ever wondered if somehow we have reversed the course of God’s design on us as His children along with an acute inability to understand His purposes for mankind? Could it be that the tendency of our hearts is to be collectively and seemingly more content to live in the shallows while we tend to avoid the depths of His great ways? Could it be that the level of un-recognized distractions available to the average laborer in the harvest are God's glory compelled opportunities to evaluate? The Big Compel? God's glory, God's unchanging love, and God's worthiness is what compels every aspect of one' life as a disciple of Jesus.

I wonder. 


Have we forgotten our First Love? Have we forgotten our allegiances to His Kingdom purposes in this world and our call to be His instruments in the fulfillment thereof?


So, what then is the presupposition of His designs on the Bride of Christ? What then is the function to which God calls His Bride?


I have taken the literary liberty to paraphrase John Piper’s comment;   “When it comes to Matt 28 and the Great Commission, Christians have three choices presented to us by the Lord; go to the ethne peoples of the earth (sent out ones), send others (with our intercession, resources) and personal embrace of the task of those whom the Lord sends, or disobey.”

When it comes to the ability to see the End Vision of the launch of cascading movements to Christ among the remaining Unreached People Groups, the ability to walk in surrenderedness is key. How we choose to spend our time is a key area to invite the examine of the Lord. 

In 1991, when my husband and I first arrived to the m*s**on field, we had not the unique challenges of today's highly connected globe. Will we be informed by the End Vision in the "how" of what we choose to focus our time upon, for God's glory and His story? Or, will be consumed by that which rather needs to be utilized with meaningful media engagement?

Recommended read:

The above helpful article addresses this need to recognize how to leverage internet connections without allowing it to be a distraction. If we do not learn how to live in a self-controlled way in this internet/sos-med age, then we will not be the vessels whom God uses greatly.

DBS-A Biblical Work Ethic


Colossians 1:28-29  


He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me.


  • Read the following passages
  1. 1 Thes 2:9-12
  2. 2 Thes 3:6-13
  3. Acts 20:31-35
  4. 2 Tim 2:1-10
  5. 2 Tim 4:1-8


  • What was Paul’s work ethic?


      Conduct (how he interacted with people)

  • Why? What did he hope to accomplish?


Paul’s Work Ethic

  • Caveat: single man
  • Work ethic:

      NIGHT & DAY

      Maybe worked a full-time job (tents) + ministry at night

      Or, ministry day and night

      With tears, admonishing, exhorting, encouraging: life on life

      Endure hardship


  • Why?

      Model for full-time working believers

      To build up the believers – help them mature

      So that all might be saved

      Knowing the fruit only comes to those who work hard

  • What do you hear?


How can you multiply your time?

  • Sometimes combining family times & ministry times
  • Take out low priority items
  • Taking local believers along with you when you run errands
  • Maximize meal times (you have to eat lunch – why not with someone else?)
  • Delegate
  • Spend less time online!
  • Get a house helper
  • Get outside help re-thinking your time usage when you are feeling maxed out.
  • Get additional team members