Saturday, June 29, 2024

DMM/CPM: Survey Results-Women Engaged in CPM (Part 1 of 4)

Women Engaged in Movements Survey Results

38 Total responders from 300+ emails initiated

12 Sending Organizations represented

For CPM approaches, for those who responded:

Forms response chart. Question title: 5. Which of the following Movement approaches describe which you and your team(s) are implementing. 


. Number of responses: 39 responses.

For those of you implementing a CPM approach, the following indicates where each feels they and their teams are in terms of progress...

Forms response chart. Question title: 6. Please indicate you and/or your team(s) progress on the 7 Stages of CPM Continuum Scale 

NOTE: All generations counted are NEW believers and new groups/churches, not EXISTING believers and churches. Existing believers/churches are labeled Gen 0 indicating that they are the baseline generation we are launching from.  

. Number of responses: 39 responses.

For how you each would like to be further resourced, you answered in the following ways: