Saturday, June 22, 2024

DMM/CPM: Survey Results, Women Engaged in CPM-Immediate Resources Offered (Part 4 of 4)

DMM/CPM: Women Engaged in CPM

Immediate Resources Offered

"Caught up in the enthusiasm of churches that seemed to be multiplying spontaneously among his beloved people group, a missionary exclaimed, “It’s amazing! We couldn’t stop it if we had to!” If only this were true. Unfortunately, Church Planting Movements can be stopped, dead in their tracks. Ironically, the very things we do to help these movements, often prove to be the poisons that destroy them. Over the past few years we’ve discovered more ways to kill a Church Planting Movement than we care to recall. But learning how to hurt a movement is the first step to healing one. Let’s identify seven of these deadly sins. "-David Garrison

In the desire to help to see Unreached People Groups reached, the launch of Church Planting Movements is not a "fail-safe" endeavor. However, it is in the attempt to trust God's Word and the leading of the Holy Spirit where we can find great rest, great resolve, and great fruitfulness to that end. It can be said that it is never "fail safe" to engage in making reproducing disciple makers, but in the Lord's hands it is always "safe" to fail. My husband and I have innovated, attempted more initiatives to see the launch of movements and at times failed, than most people would consider attempting. That is not a badge we carry as some kind of twisted honor. It is simply an attempt to move into the freedom to launch, but also to intentionally leave the "results" to God. Though we enjoy seeing mutilplying generations of house fellowships nowadays, it is in the crucial "constant" of healthy unflinching evaluation where one cultivates a greater dependency upon the Holy Spirit to bring what pleases the Father's heart: worship of Jesus, the worthiness of Jesus celebrated, disciples making disciples who hear-love-obey Jesus, healthy reproducing fellowships, no matter the cost. 

“We know from Scripture that there will be a final generation. 

Will we be the final generation?”

-Steve R. Smith, Movement Catalyst,

While the story of most Disciple-Making Movements is written by and about men—featuring their roles and exploits—it is doubtful any movement in history has lacked the strategic involvement (as well as prayers) of women. Since women missionaries significantly outnumber men, and the vast majority of single missionaries are women, it is vital that DMM/CPM efforts intentionally equip and empower the efforts and contribution of women. In addressing this greatly undervalued privilege to intentionally train and coach women in DMM, we desire to partner with you all in order to see the increase in women engaged in movement mindset approaches for the fulfillment of the Great Commission. So, let us join together in this Women2Women Engaged in Movements Collaborative network to help to answer the pertinent question which compels our hearts as disciples of Jesus, when it comes to the fulfillment of the Great Commission, “We know from Scripture that there will be a final generation. Will we be the final generation?”

Survey Results: Immediate Resources Offered... 

Contact to:

  1. Sign up for first DMM on-line Roundtable, dates to be announced for July. This roundtable will feature women movement leaders, with breakout sessions on given topic for breakthrough. We will start with 1x, then see if 1x monthly or every few months is most effective. TBD.
  2. Sign up for on-line 8 week DMM Level 1 Training                                                                             (2 hour session 1x weekly, 2 hours implementation)
  3. Sign up for on-line 8 week DMM Level 1.5 Training                                                                           (2 hour session 1x weekly, 2 hours implementation)
  4. Sign up for on-line 8 week Outside Catalyst Training (those who have been through Level 1 and level 1.5 are best fit for the Outside Catalyst Training)                                                           (2 hour session 1x every other week, 2 hours implementation weekly)


RA and MB

Women2Women Engaged in Movements Network

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