Saturday, June 29, 2024

DMM/CPM: Survey Results-Women Engaged in CPM (Part 1 of 4)

Women Engaged in Movements Survey Results

38 Total responders from 300+ emails initiated

12 Sending Organizations represented

For CPM approaches, for those who responded:

Forms response chart. Question title: 5. Which of the following Movement approaches describe which you and your team(s) are implementing. 


. Number of responses: 39 responses.

For those of you implementing a CPM approach, the following indicates where each feels they and their teams are in terms of progress...

Forms response chart. Question title: 6. Please indicate you and/or your team(s) progress on the 7 Stages of CPM Continuum Scale 

NOTE: All generations counted are NEW believers and new groups/churches, not EXISTING believers and churches. Existing believers/churches are labeled Gen 0 indicating that they are the baseline generation we are launching from.  

. Number of responses: 39 responses.

For how you each would like to be further resourced, you answered in the following ways:

Forms response chart. Question title: 7. What resources and opportunities would you use if provided in a Women's CPM Network?  

. Number of responses: 39 responses.  

For specific areas of training/coaching in 7 High Value Activities of CPM, you all indicated the following:

Forms response chart. Question title: 8. Please indicate where you would like specific training/coaching in the following areas of 7 High Value Weekly Activities of CPM  

. Number of responses: 34 responses.

For specific ways to be resourced, as well as help to resource others, you all answered:

Forms response chart. Question title: 9. Please indicate your interest in the following resources for women catalysts of CPM  

. Number of responses: 36 responses.

For specific ways to synergize with other women Movement practitioners/trainers/coaches: 

Forms response chart. Question title: 10. I am already in leadership with a CPM Network, but I would like to discuss how to possibly synergize for training and coaching Women CPM Catalysts in more effective ways.


. Number of responses: 28 responses.

For specific obstacles you all face as women engaged in trusting God for the launch of Movements, your answers were consistent with each of the CPM Continuum Progress levels you expressed. In near future DMM Roundtables, we will press into your great responses with specific ideas in what could help overcome these obstacles.

Read post entitled:  

DMM/CPM: Survey Results, Women Engaged in CPM Part I of 3

Women Leaders’ Meeting Case Study

Asian Listening Movement, June 2024

(Case Study of Women engaged in Movement of 3 million baptized believers meeting in reproducing house fellowships) 

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