Women2Women DMM/CPM Training
Training opportunities specific to UPG field women are a much needed ingredient in the global efforts of the launch of cascading movements to Christ.
Training opportunities specific to UPG field women are a much needed ingredient in the global efforts of the launch of cascading movements to Christ.
A Need for Training:
you ever wondered how you, as a woman, might contribute to starting a rapidly
multiplying discipleship movement?
you like to engage more with people in your local community but don't know how
to begin?
· The first W2W DMM/CPM Level 1 training was launched (November 2013) which brought 100 m women (from
10+ nationalities) who serve with 25+ m agencies representing over 250+
“What just took place with this
women to women DMM/CPM training was not just unprecedented, it was
historic!”-Stan Parks, Global DMM/CPM trainer, ActBeyond
Act Beyond www.beyond.org
Regional UUPGs/UPGs Clusters Co-Facilitator
DMM/CPM Trainer/Coach/Practitioner