Wednesday, October 28, 2015

CPM/DMM: Vision Casting to the Vision Impaired

Vision:  God’s Glory among your people
            (and reproduce this by vision-casting)

CPMs are God’s work for His Glory. The Holy Spirit is the One who authors and empowers CPMs.
   Know the mind and heart of God, and join in His work of reaching a UPG/city/tribe/nation.
   Share this vision to see co-laborers raised up.
(This is a continual process starting with outsiders and moving to insiders. As the movement grows, the main harvest force will be insiders.)”-Simple Steps[1] CPM/DMM Training

God’s Glory…the compelling story

I was ruined for God’s glory years ago. Jesus had me at, “come and follow Me.” The worthiness, the sheer otherness of the glory of God was cause for life trajectory pause as I considered what it meant to obey the One with whom I was falling in love, Jesus.
The Profundity of the Simplicity of Jesus’ Way
As a college student at Texas Christian University, in the early 1980’s, my future husband and I had been bitten by the profundity of the simplicity of what it is to make reproducing groups of disciples. In my rather myopic life experience of making reproducing disciples in the context of 100 Sorority girls, I saw a glimpse of potential for cascading movements to Christ. Myself and two other members, the only believers at the time, began to pray through the list of names of this campus group. By the time we graduated, 50 of these women had either come to Christ or recommitted to walk with Him, resultantly. We were intentional in extraordinary prayer, we were intent on adoring worship, and we desired to demonstrate as well as declare the goodness of God in the beauty of His good news. We saw generational growth of discipleship groups down to the 4th generation. The little world of that small slice of humanity was turned right side up for God’s glory. We were being discipled by others, as we were making reproducing disciples. That was the norm of what it meant to follow Jesus.  The passages of Matthew 10, Luke 10 were our sustenance: the obedience of following Jesus’ way became the centrifuge of our spiritual DNA. Transformation of individual hearts, lovingly committed to accountability in a group process, released streams of campus influence for the gospel.

My husband had also experienced the similar journey in his spheres of campus influence.

We were imprinted for life with a desire to make disciples who make disciples, who make disciples, in groups.

Disciple Making Movements are not a new idea or trend. The intended Kingdom of God reality of movements to Christ has been glimpsed since the Early Church.
The part we were missing, as we considered heading to the mission field among Muslim UPGs was the piece of seeing these groups become fully adoring, healthy functioning reproducing households of fellowships…being the reproducing Bride together.

The reason for longing for this…God’s glory.
Recruits to our sending organization, Beyond, have shared with us that one of the keys which sold them to partner, was the reality that every one of the leaders with whom they have interacted has exhibited this unbridled passion for the glory of God to be demonstrated/declared among the UUPGs/UPGs. To the launch of cascading movements to Christ among these UPGs, the driver must and need be the love and obedience of Christ’ heart to flow out of this vision. Living out of the overflow of personal growing intimacy with Christ is key in this process. To be in Christ, first and foremost, lends one to be fashioned into the type of vessel of whom God is able to bless His name in the process.

“Fulfillment of the Great Commission is primarily a function of relationship that moves in love of God and love for others. To confuse strategy and tactics for the motivation of love is to replace the grace of God with the ambition of the leader and or the drives of organization.” Ray Wheeler

Three questions to consider when desiring to implement CPM/DMM:
1. What do I need to stop doing in order to be engaged in the launch of a Disciple-Making Movement?
2. What do I need to start doing in order to be engaged in the launch of a Disciple-Making Movement?
3. What I need to continue doing in order to be engaged in the launch of a Disciple-Making Movement?