Monday, January 23, 2017

DMM: Spiritual Climate Change Among UPGs

DMM: A Strategic Vision-Spiritual Climate Change Among the UPGs

A dream. A realized promise of God’s kingdom reality, nearer at hand. There is a thin line between the not-yet-has-been and all-that-has-been-promised in God’s plans.

At the recent Women2Women DMM Level 1 Training, I found the norm of my experience of facilitating these trainings for field women among UPGs to be the case this particular week.

The Lord has instructed me to be tightly strapped into His command center, otherwise, this whole effort is a complete bust. Is this not the true posture, no matter what we are engaged in? As relates to my personal experience of walking out this kingdom reality during these trainings, I am awakened at usually crazy hours to worship Him, draw near to His heart, and listen.

After the first full day of the weeklong training, I awakened to greet the 2nd day of five. The first day found there to be a bit of a needed bridging of the seeming gap between those who originate from M*sl*m background who now serve among the same or similar UPGs. They seemed a bit reserved. Understandably. We were a mix of 11 nationalities,  a few MBBs, 46 total field workers serving among some of the most intense UPGs in the world. Several have lost dear loved ones while serving among these UPGs, for the sake of God’s fame and renown. A few of them had been kicked out of the their initial UPG due to their efforts. Understood.

This morning of the 2nd day found me in the back of the empty bathtub in my hotel room in worship in preparation for the day’s training times. Immediately, God brought to mind the dream I had chewed upon just prior to this moment.

A Dream:

Image result for photo vw bus

A group of us, as glory bearers, drove to a hill country region in a 1960’s version Volkswagen Van. We encountered difficult twisting switchbacks in order to reach a remote village. In that village, we stopped at a designated house on a hill. In that house sat several followers of Christ. They sat isolated in their faith. They felt alone. They felt as though no one understood them. They had                                                              not been out and no one had come in.

We asked them to come with us. There seemed to be a palpable fear, disdain, and distrust toward us as outsiders. (I want to pause and say that perhaps the word here is how the West is hindered by these rarely corporately confessed feelings toward the intense M*sl*im UPGs.)
Further, as we searched for our van, for some reason, it was difficult to find.

After we were able to locate the van, we all hurriedly piled in. Once we drove away from that home, we could not find a road out to others. All of the roads had been washed away. Huge gaps now stood as chasms between those who bore the message and those who still needed to hear.

That is when I awoke. As I dialogued with the Lord in regard to this dream, the Lord simply impressed upon me to wait for Him to reveal the meaning of that dream.

During worship together in the first session of the 2nd day, the meaning of the dream was revealed. As we worshiped together, a few of the MBBs in the room were standing together. At one point, as we were free to roam around the room for worship, as we felt led, I felt the Lord impress upon me to stand directly behind this group, to lift my hand in prayer over them.

At the same time, B*, the worship facilitator seemed to have been sensing the same thing. She moved us into a time of worship in a powerful Arabic song. I don’t speak Middle Earth, as most of us in that room could not. I happen to know the One who does, fluently. The God of the nations does. That is really all that matters.

As we sang, one by one, without any prompting except the leading of the Holy Spirit, everyone in that room gathered around the Middle Earth MBBs. Just then, I believe something broke in the heavenlies. From then on…we were one, for this moment in the fabric of time, for the purposes, which God wants to bring to fruition among the ethne, for His glory. Prophetic? Perhaps. Was this a word (of many words from those who have longed for this occur, and most importantly, for the many whom are serving with their very lives for many many many years) for the launch of anticipated, promised movements to Christ, for God’s glory? For sure, He reveals the needed glimpse.