Tuesday, March 11, 2014

CPM/DMM: Leading With A Limp

The brief letter which follows is an example of what it can be to coach others in their leadership development in the CPM/DMM process: for both international and local national partners. As one desires to see the Holy Spirit launch cascading movements of multiplying households of worshipers from among UPGs, expect push back from the attempts of the Evil One. These are the sticky parts of life on the mission field. Team conflict. Conflict and what one's heart chooses to yield to: self-pity, accusation, unforgiveness, or dying to self-life, forgiveness, humility, and the desire to seek God's higher ways are the basic choices. Conflict is good in the hands of the Father. How one chooses to respond in the midst of the conflict is where the challenge lay. 

Letter to a dear colleague.

Dear Madison, As our passenger train seems to pass some of the lushest territory, which remains in our region, I thought of you and the others and pray for ABBA’s higher ways in all. Here are a few quotes I thought you might enjoy as you continue to desire to show forth the incomprehensible transformational power of Calvary Love to one another.

After having arranged for our women’s retreat (T, R, and K) to enjoy several hours of sitting with Lelia Lewis and just hearing God’s story through her, there were multiple reminders to our hearts. We asked her what her biggest challenges have been on the mission field for these many 64+ years among the Balinese. She responded that the greatest challenge is the pain caused by fellow missionaries: tendency to misunderstand, to speak and think ill of one another, to slander, to gossip, to betray, believing not the best, comparisons, jealousies, personal ambition, to blame-shift rather than take personal ownership of wrongdoing, to mistrust, to be prideful, to falsely accuse, e.g.…this is from within the camp of missionaries. In response to these painful places, which Satan loves to stir up in the hearts of the beloved, she cautioned, “guard your hearts, dear ladies. Choose forgiveness, no matter what, though others choose not to own their hurtful parts in causing you pain. Just keep your heart in the pathway of quick accounts, own whatever necessary as your part, no matter how small. Allow Satan no opportunity in the flesh and let God alone deal with the others. Pray for them.” 

Some other great quotes to recall as I pray over you all and your team….

“The leader’s character is what makes the difference between advancing or de-centering the morale, competence, and commitment of an organization. The truth about confession is that it doesn’t lead to people’s weakness and disrespect; instead, it transforms the leader’s character and earns her greater respect and power. This is the strange paradox of leading: to the degree you attempt to hide or dissemble your weaknesses, the more you will need to control those you lead, the more insecure you will become, and the more rigidity you will impose-prompting the ultimate departure of your best people.”-Leading with a Limp page 3

“If I have really done everything possible to be reconciled with my neighbor and he rejects every attempt?’ Then desire to suffer, as Jesus suffered due to our rejection of Him, even to the cross. Tell yourself: it’s necessary for me. Then God will give you a wonderful gift: love for your enemies, and the image of Jesus will be born in you. If despite years of prayer and blessing your neighbor, there is still no inner unity, then be comforted by Jesus’ saying: ‘A disciple is not above his teacher nor a servant above his master.-Matthew 10:24”-M.Basilea Schlink (Ten Tips for a Life of Reconciliation)

Ignited by the fires of refining, wholly released unto the work of His hand is the heart of a yielded one. A daily posture of surrendered hearts leaves no opportunity for the derailment of God’s great and glorious purposes. Be vigilant. Be abandoned to support and love others in a calling forth heart posture, while maintaining a dependent and humble approach. Though some reconciliation attempts may fail outwardly, there is always opportunity for transformation on the horizon for those who choose forgiveness. Remember, that death to self-life in the formation of vibrant Christ-life is always a great idea.

There is no regret for those who desire His higher ways and choose them.


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