Monday, February 16, 2015

DMM/CPM: Finding Els; Even in the Admin

Finding Els; Even in the Admin

DMM is not everything, everything is not DMM. God’s glory IS everything, but not in everything does God get the glory.

If spiritual gifts were to be a periodic cattle call to be assigned, I am pretty sure that I would not have raised my hand when the Lord was passing out the spiritual gift of admin. Thankfully, as in accordance to how He plans to use each of us, I have increased in my deep admiration of those who are highly gifted in this area.

The recent Women2Women (W2W) DMM Training Level 1, held in ME region of world, found me in that familiar territory of need to increase my abilities in the area of admin. Gratefully, I saw how beautifully the Lord walked through that one of many pieces of the process of what it is to lead these trainings. The part I loved was the privilege of designing the week, facilitating lessons, and helping others to coach/and/or facilitate lessons more effectively. The coaching team was fantastic. The trainees were “all-in”. The implementation of the DMM training is the key. The training bit is easy to walk through. It is in the actual trust in the Lord to do what He promises in our respective UPGs in the launch of cascading movements that will matter.

After the time of pre-training coaching meetings, I was to meet with the tour company’s representative on site, Els. She was there to help with the hotel logistics. We enjoyed a breakfast time together.  Knowing that she is a ME Muslim, I had asked the HS to move in her heart ahead of time. After three hours of sweet time together, we had discussed the areas of “shame” and what Allah has planned for those whom He created. We discussed the straight and true way which Allah has given in Isa Al Masih. She was intrigued. We also did a shortened version of the first prophet story from the Old Testament DBS/DG (Discovery Bible Study/Discovery Group) together, in oral format. I invited her to meet with another friend of mine who could walk her and her husband and other family members through another story. She indicated that she desired to talk more about Allah’s ways in Isa.

I have handed over her contact to a colleague from that city area.

Els is just one of those “admin” category necessary meetings which need to reflect a desire to see the HS move, even in these potentially “draining” handling of the details of what we are called to.

Els wants to be found. POPs want to be found. Lifestyle searching for POPs, empowered by the Holy Spirit is essential.

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