Monday, September 5, 2016

DMM/CPM: New Way to Be Human

New Way to Be Human

He'll show us the way He works so we can live the way we're made."-Isaiah 2:3

Transformed Old

In our Mu*sli*m context, I follow the cultural norms and rarely talk directly to men. 

Angking, a man in his early twenties, poured my next cup of coffee as I sat overlooking the garden at a neighborhood restaurant that day. This interaction is one of those Holy Spirit led exception times.

After establishing that my husband is not able to join me for breakfast and that we are followers of Isa Al Masih, the straight and true way, the young man did not want to walk away.

We exchanged family information: he shared about his siblings, I described my precious grown children.

I asked him the question, "In what ways do you want to emulate your father and in what ways would you like to be different?”

Knowing that there is a high divorce rate among the SaSumBi, I ventured the above question. All to often, the men "kidnap" their complicit young brides to be, impregnate them, then abandon wife and child with an easily acquired letter of divorce. 

Angking responded that this was his experience.

I asked him if he knew of a new way to be SaSumBI? He shook his head with engaged curiosity as we discussed further the only way to be made new.

The next simple step seemed to be to ask him if he and his family and/or friends would like to get together with my husband and discuss a story from the books of Moses, the Psalms, and the gospels? I furthered, "It is only when we meet up with Allah’s heart for mankind that our broken patterns can be transformed and made new."

My husband has met with Angking and his friend since the above conversation. Ask the Holy Spirit to stir him and his household with the longings to know the only source of personal transformation and to give him a desire to form a Discovery Group with S.

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