Monday, September 19, 2022

DMM: Vision Casting for UPGs

Worship/casting vision for Disciple-Making Movements among UPGs

Prayer module:
1.  Print out small 3x5 cards of various UPG profiles from Joshuaproject
2.   Prep room in Prayer cover before worship time.
3.   Place cards, one by one on each seat.
4.   People will come in and take seats. Ask them to read over their cards and just have them in hand as we enter into worship.
5.   7-8 of seats will not have cards on them.
6.   These will be your ones representing those who are believers.  Those who live in regions of the world, people groups, who have access to the gospel.
7.   Instruct the others, when all have come together, that they will be representing being one of the UPG in the card which they hold. Define Unreached People Groups, if the group is not yet understanding.
8.   As such, explain that only those who have access to the gospel can access worship…so, everyone who is representing a believer may stay in their seat.
9.  The rest, with cards in hand, are to get up and go to the back of the room, with their backs to the front, as representing being outside the access to the gospel and cannot yet know true worship.
 Start worship songs, sung by just the few together:
  • Revelation Song
  • How Great is Our God

 10.   As facilitator, keep interjecting how wonderful it is to read the Bible, to worship Jesus together…Read Matthew 28:18-20 (go, make disciples of ALL ethne!)
Ask them how this will happen with current pattern of reaching individuals? What does it mean that ALL ethne are to be made disciples of? 
How does Jesus model reaching households? How does Book of Acts contain examples of reaching households?
11.   Read Rev. 5:9
12.  Now, go therefore and invite others to follow, not to come to church, but the church to go and make disciples of ALL Ethne, invite them to discover worship…take them by the hand...
13.   Debrief the group….
  • For the ones who worship, representing those who have the gospel…
  • How did you feel as you worshiped? 
  • Describe what you felt like doing?
  • What new thought did you have in this process?
  • For the ones who represented the UPGs of the world…
  • How did you feel as you were outside of worship?
  • How did you feel about the ones represented on the cards representing UPGs?
  • What new thought did you have in this process?

Worship all together as an act of declaring God's fulfilment for the knowledge of the glory of God to go out among all the ethne (peoples) of the earth…prayer response time…focus on asking God what needs to be done personally, in our families, in our fellowships, in order to obey these commands?
John Piper…”when it comes to Matthew 28:18-20, three responses for the believer: go, send, or disobey!”

Ask the Holy Spirit what He is impressing on your heart to obey?

Listen together to song (optional) song Yours, by Steven Curtis Chapman

Much Fruit…received on May 2017

Hey beautiful friend,

Last week at ________ I had the opportunity to talk to a lady named Wendy. She and I are both and children's leadership but we have never had the chance to sit and talk.

We spoke a lot about her heart and her passion for missions and she shared with me her most recent trip to India and the darkness that is over there. I shared with her some of the experiences another friend of mine has written about recently from their time in India.

Wendy asked me by any chance was I talking about R!?!?

Wendy heard you speak about six or seven years ago at a ______ retreat. She said you had cards up on a table and asked for people to take one. Below is a picture of the card she continues to carry around in her wallet, along with names of people she has met on her trips.  I just love this!! Wendy has been on many mission trips since then.

I thought that this would warm your heart.

Love you dearly,

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