Thursday, June 20, 2013

Persecution in CPM Process: The Necessary Ingredient

Persecution In CPM Process: The Necessary Ingredient

“I would gladly give my life for sake of the gospel and God’s glory being made known among the Sumbi/SOLI,” weighed each of our key national lay partners. Each in their own distinct phrasing, each in their own unique way has asserted the same expressions in the span of the last four months. We have enjoyed the privilege of learning from their hearts as we disciple them, equip them as leaders, MAWL (Model-Assist-Watch-Love/Letter/Leave) them for now several years.

These national partners are our heroes of the faith. A few years back, the slightest flinch of the Evil One’s attacks upon them caused immobilizing fear to them. Thankfully today, these same worshippers have been transformed. The Holy Spirit has one intent: God’s glory at all cost.

They have been seasoned through the fires and have not been burned: though they have lost personal possessions, promotions, suffered riots, threats upon their lives, as well as endured beatings for the sake of His Name. Persecution from Muslim families and communities is still rampant in our national partners experience. What has transformed them? I will venture to say that as they have moved into the deeper intimacy of Christ, relied upon the sufficiency of His Word, and surrendered unto to the empowering of the Holy Spirit, there has been growth.

Just recently as well, and not surprisingly so, a 3rd generation DBS has begun with a couple others on brink of starting. There are over 30 total DBS being facilitated by this band of transformed hearts. Several 1st and 2nd generation indigenously led house fellowships have formed and are forming as well.

Our national lay partners have endured much for the sake of making God famous among these Muslim UPGs. Persecution is one of those areas where one seems to not so much plan as rather to avoid. However, in the whole scheme of eternal perspective lifestyle abundance, which God affords us in Christ, persecution is a necessary ingredient utilized as the sharpening of the heart of the follower on many levels.  

Sometimes one can become so enthralled in the desire to see rapidly reproducing multiplying disciples of oikos that one can forget the beauty, as well as the messiness of the process of transformation in the heart of another. CPM is a process. Yes, we are intentional to see this launched with healthy DNA, yet, are we truly willing to stay for however long it takes, according to God’s time table? Be assured that persecution will be part of the mix, no matter where you serve among UPGs.


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