Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Church Planting Movements: Points of Engagement for Women Part V

III. Preaching The Gospel to Groups and Individuals

Points of engagement for women in Church Planting Movements:

1. Prioritize deeper times of worship, intercessory prayer, and building intimacy with the Lord. Bathe all in prayer.

2. Ask the Lord to lead you to Women of Peace in the target ethne. Time is too short and eternity is too long to not believe God to be God. Believe God to develop in your heart a passion to pursue women who are seeking after the knowledge of God and hunger to know Him. Satan would love for us, as female practitioners, to get bogged down with hearts in the target group that are not yet open. This does not mean that you neglect to display His kindness and mercy to those who are not responsive but it does mean you trust His ways implicitly and unwaveringly so. Enlist prayer partners from your home culture for this specific request and track His provision back with these prayer warriors. Trust the Lord daily to engage focus women anywhere and anytime with seed sowing into their lives. By faith, expect a harvest.

3. Ask the Lord to provide oikos (households) to begin Discovery Bible Study (DBS) using Chronological Bible Storying streams.

4. Ask the Lord to give to you, with the women within your sphere of daily life, His heart in dialoguing about His Story.

Basic styles to evangelism
A. Relationship building as well as casual contact encounters are both significant opportunities to declare God’s glory in the lives of target women.

B. Strategic Hanging Out is just one way of being deliberate with relationship building approaches. This term is defined as the pursuit of non-believers with the intentionality which the Savior modeled. Jesus hung out with others while definitively demonstrating eternal perspective purposes.  ( I Cor. 9:19-23, 2 Timothy 4:2)
-In searching for Persons of Peace it is important to focus on the Spirit leading you to anyone, any where, any time. This is a lifestyle pursuit of the trusting the Holy Spirit in your different spheres of contact: relatives, friends, new contacts. 

C. Learn one method of sharing Christ in the process of the language learning phase and use it.  Over time develop a variety of approaches.  We call this a tool box approach or
rather a “bouquet of options” approach.  Depending on the situation you can reach into the tool box or bouquet and use an evangelistic tool that fits the context.  Some approaches include:  

Preparing and translating your personal 3 to 5 minute story of God’s grand drama of bringing you to Himself through Christ.[1] Craft your story in contextual terms and then commit to share several times until memorizing in the target language. Share openly and honestly what the Father is teaching you and how He is working in your life.  Refer to the Deuteronomy 6 passage on Shema living as a mobilizing template. Shema statements are brief statements of the glory of God expressed in the context of life daily.
These  Shema statements are then utilized to help discern whether the person is a Person of Peace. After sharing these statements in dialoguing with the potential POP, invite them to join you in studying through the Chronological Bible Storying process of Discovery Bible Study (DBS) with you and the oikos (their own household or their close friends) they can gather. It is recommended for you to not attend the oikos but to train the POP in sharing the stories with their oikos. At the most, if necessary, you facilitate just three gatherings of their oikos. After selecting the natural leader (either the POP or another who seems to be the natural leader) arrange to meet them individually weekly in order to train them in the next stories that they then share with the oikos.

Preparing a presentation of the gospel in your target language and memorize it. Then, trust God to delight in proclaiming to others. Trust God for opportunities to share Christ. This will plant seeds within your growing relationship network as well as first time contacts, as the Spirit leads. Always keep in mind that every evangelism approach is shared in order to challenge the potential POP to gather their oikos so that they can begin interacting with the transforming power of the Word of God while being templated with the multiplying discipleship process of following Christ, as the Spirit moves in their hearts.

Brainstorming with other women on your team as to transitional stories into the Gospel message that could come from local “culture” (legends, myths, traditional stories, dramas, current events, worldview, etc...).
Learning the Camel Method[2], if you are serving in a Muslim upg

Learning a Chronological Bible Storying[3] approach.

Learning a Felt Needs Approach[4]

Being trained in Healing Prayer [5]

It is important to note that whatever your approach, you want to invite the potential Person of Peace to study the stories of the Old Testament and New Testament in a Discovery Bible Study together. As you train them in the simple pattern of eight discovery questions then they are challenged to take this back to their family and do likewise, one study at a time. The questions can vary but the point being, make it simple and reproducible. The questions we utilize are as follows:
(1). What are you thankful for?
(2). What are some challenges in your life presently?
(3). Review the story from previous week together. Share personal obedience, personal             applications taken resultantly.
(4). Read the text of the next Bible story out loud 2x together
(5). Rephrase the context of story in own words, based upon text alone. 2x
(6). What does this story tell us about God's character?
(7). What personal application (personal obedience) will you make as a result of this truth? When?
(8). Who can you share this story with? When? 

5. Prayer Walking[6]. Ask the Lord to give you deliberateness in prayer walking in your immediate neighborhood as well as regular times of intercession within the target area.  This can be incorporated with childrearing needs. In each of our neighborhoods, I used to take the kids with me for a prayer walk and conversation times with our various neighbors. On each outing, we would ask the Lord for specific opportunities to learn more about our context and to learn how to express care for the people. I systematically brought that information about people’s ethnic groups, their family members’ names, and recent felt needs they faced home to be brought before the Lord. I drew a chart of our neighborhood and slowly filled it in with detailed information in order to more effectively pray for these people as well as know what areas to ask them about in the next conversation. Our family enjoyed many times of praying for our neighbors in these specific ways.                                              

For you to pray together as a family, to see Him open up ways to re-present Him to your target culture neighbors, is to gain a greater glimpse of how the Lord meant for our lives to be connected to our context and beyond. These opportunities can be enjoyed no matter what season of life you are in.

6. There are several potential obstacles to women becoming effective CPM practitioners (delighters and declarers of His glory on the mission field) which can be summarized in three vital areas:
A Lack of Boldness often ensnares female missionaries. Fear is often the entry port through which Satan gains a foothold which could immobilize you. 

A Lack of Deliberateness in declaring His ways in relationships with target group women. Many people do not consider being strategic in pursuing others.

A Lack of Equipping in basics of ministry.

A fellow colleague, RH[7], reflects upon possible solutions to these common obstacles,
“Knowing a common obstacle is a first very helpful step, but what can one do about them?

 Here are some ideas:

Overcoming a Lack of Boldness.  Do a bible study on boldness and timidity. Find a character that you can relate to. Pray and ask the Lord to change your heart.  Analyze your fears.  Talk about them with an older experienced missionary or your spouse and pray through it. 
Overcoming a Lack of Deliberateness.  Make a list of the women in your life today.  Ask the Lord for wisdom to know His plan for them.  What is your part in that plan.  Make small goals and keep a record of how things are progressing with individuals.  Try to find an accountability partner who will brainstorm with you and also ask you how things are going.
Overcoming a lack of Equipping.  There are many resources for emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and even social needs of missionaries.  Ask your team leader or other missionaries in your area or your home church for help with specific areas that you think you need growth in.  There is no lack of resources today, but rather a lack of awareness about the resource and a limited amount of time to learn everything."

At the conclusion of this paper I have listed some of the key books that are related to the topics addressed in this paper. 

7. Ask the Holy Spirit for boldness to establish that you have a vital relationship with                Jesus from the first meeting with the desired target culture woman or group of women. Many missionary women want their lives to be witnesses before declaring that they love Jesus. Then, after the relationship has been established, they find it difficult to make the transition to talking about Jesus. Establish your love for worshipping God in the first conversation. Ask the Holy Spirit for the boldness and deliberateness within those first conversations to establish His ways as being pre-eminent in the very fabric of who you are. This is done by gentleness and with a spirit of humility through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Most female missionaries have a rough time transitioning from comfortable relationships with unreached people group women (in which most women excel in the relationship
building category) into vital communication regarding the Eternal One. Deliberate seed sowing is indeed multifaceted. Trusting God to bear witness to His greatness by the power of the Holy Spirit, while leaving the results to God is our mandate.

8. Demonstrate through acts of service the love of the Father for the target women. In
my experience, in relationships with women in our unreached people group, every 3 to 6 months there is a crisis they experience of one of the following kind; 

Emotional Crisis-Speak of God’s healing hand, demonstrate His loving touch. The concept of Isaiah 58 in being Wounded Healers to hearts of other women is powerfully used in the hands of the Father.
Relational Crisis-Show forth His merciful, unfailing, and redemptive love. The power of forgiveness in Christ alone is truly amazing.
Physical Crisis-Pray for the person/persons’ healing in the matchless name of Jesus. Express to them that you are not a doctor, nor are you a witchdoctor. Then, explain the authority and power of Jesus to heal is found in His name alone. Explain that though Jesus cares for our physical needs and desires, He is about the ultimate healing in our lives of bringing us into right relationship with a Holy God Almighty. Many missionaries have found that praying for inner healing is an effective evangelistic tool. For further training in the area of inner healing and ways the Lord uses this excellent expression of His splendor, see the book From Seed to Fruit edited by Dr. Dudley Woodbury.
Financial Crisis-Demonstrate God’s care for the person/person’s financial needs as you feel led.
Fear issues Crisis-Freedom from appeasing whomever and whatever powers related to their network of darkness is formidable but not impenetrable through the power of Christ.
Spiritual Crisis-Be expectant of God moving to stoke the fires of desire in this most crucial need which affects the totality of the person.

9. Communicate and demonstrate that you care about the whole of their person and their lives (their families, health, future, etc).  Engage in intercessory prayer for them and with them. Remember, you are deliberately asking the Father to reveal the Person of Peace to you as you pursue others.

10. Learn to ask caring questions and how to cultivate deeper listening skills.  To ask caring questions is a process of gaining a level of trust to ask what lies beneath, to see with eyes believing, and to facilitate the person reflecting. Related to the area of sharpening skills in pursuing others with caring questions, Larry Crabb comments writing, “We must learn to tell the story of our soul, and we must listen as others tell theirs.” [8]

11. Trust God for those women within your sphere of influence and beyond. Missionary women with children can sometimes feel isolated and easily can overlook the blessing of having their house helper as one whom they pursue in relationship with eternal perspective intentionality.
12. Trust God for Rock Removal type ministry. Rock Removal is the process of simply trusting the Spirit of God to identify what deceptions and misconceptions the target women have in regards to Jesus. Some call this pre-evangelism. To identify deceptions, to then replace the deceptions with His truth into that hardened ground is the process of Rock Removal in order for the Rock (the Lord Jesus Christ) to be declared amongst their hearts.

13. In the area of evangelism and in other aspects of ministry, many of us women can tend to compare ourselves with others.  This leads either to self-condemnation or pride. It is far better to understand your season in life and your personality and to discern what God wants you to be in Christ first and foremost. Be faithful, then, to do what He bids. Cheer others on in intercession but guard your heart from comparison.

14. Ask the Lord to provide near culture believers in whom the Lord has placed this same vision to reach the target unreached people group in partnership.

[2] Greeson, Kevin. 2007. The Camel: How Muslims are coming to Faith in Christ. Arkadelphia, Ark.: WIGTake,
[3]Chronological Bible Storying-a method of evangelizing a people by relating to them, in a culturally suitable manner, the great stories of the Bible from creation to redemption to the return of Christ. Garrison, David.. Pg.59. Church Planting Movements. Richmond, VA.
[4]McCloskey, Mark. Tell It Often, Tell It Well. Chapter 13. 
[5] Anderson, Neil T. Steps to Freedom in Christ. : Published by Gospel Light,1990, 2001, 2004.
[6]PrayerWalk Organizer Guide by Steve Hawthorne,
[7] Personal email conversations with colleague RH, Used by permission.
[8] Crabb, Larry. SoulTalk. Brentwood, TN.: Integrity Publishers, 2003.

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