DMM: Increase the Decrease
this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who,
though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a
thing to be grasped, but emptied
himself, by taking the form of a servant, being
born in the likeness of men. And
being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the
point of death, even death on a cross.”-Phil. 2:5-8
“But be doers of the word, and not hearers only,
deceiving yourselves.”-James 1:22
Suri rose to prepare her daily meal. Only in this instance,
the constant variable for her is that she spoon feeds her children. That is a
cultural norm in our Muslim UPGs. What is not a cultural norm is the following.
“I must spoon feed my husband or else he shall not eat!”, she emphasized.
Did I hear right?,
I wondered. I asked her to clarify, to which she relayed the same information.
As I considered the robustly healthy man whom she spoon feeds each morning, I thought
how stunning.
The term in our SEAsian area for this is menyuap. Yes, it means to physically
spoon feed the intended person.
Suap is the root word. Feed.
I asked Suri if this was a cultural norm. Honestly, it could be that though I have not seen this in the 27+ years we have served here, it does not mean it is not a here-to-fore undetected DNA-ed cultural norm. I can pretty clearly say this is NOT an intended DNA-ed cultural norm. She indicated that it was not a cultural norm but that she feared that her husband would not take good care of himself and that he would die resultantly. Hmm.
Spoon fed followers will not become love and obedience-based disciple-makers. To be spoon-fed, non-reproducing disciples, is NOT an intended DNA-ed biblical norm.
CPM Global Leader, David Watson, recently commented, “There is a huge difference between a cross-cultural Christian follower versus cross-cultural Kingdom reproducer.”
Suri is a near neighbor cross-cultural Christian follower who has walked away from being a cross-cultural Kingdom reproducer.
To choose unflinching-grace-filled evaluation for local partners, as well as for oneself, is an act of daily transformation. When one begins the walk of relocation away from God’s purposes, one can begin to take on this suap mindset in regard to God’s Word and God’s purposes.
We see this as a common ailment in our home country of service, as a suap-me mindset tends to run amok.
End Vision Informs All
If one feels a need to settle for “God, just feed me,” or, “I cannot make disciples of others, I am not educated enough!”, then, our god whom we have fashioned is too small.
To be a fattened sheep is not a pretty sight.
Characteristics of fattened sheep:
1) Dependent on
others for their food, not on the Word &HS
2) Vulnerable
to enemy attacks, easy to en-snare
3) Cannot
effectively jump into cross-cultural pastures
4) Highly self
5) Easy to be
given to fear
6) Too fat to
7) Demands
loads of attention from the Shepherd
To evaluate those with whom one partners, it is imperative
that we listen closely, encourage clearly, model-assist-watch-coach
effectively, and call forth expectantly.
Again, to move with the movers, while loving the lingerers is
a much needed Holy Spirit-led skillset one needs to develop in order to stay
fixed on God’s heart for His glory, in all ways. The posturing of one’s heart
for the launch of cascading movements to Christ is anchored in these
grace-filled choices.
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