Friday, December 23, 2022

DMM: Coaching Questions for Heart and Four Fields-Reproduce Church

Coaching Questions:

What are your “go-to” Scriptural passages which keep you rooted in the formation of reproducing church? 

• How is baptism introduced and who will baptize the new believers? 

• What will they study to come to understand what church is? 

• What will this group/church continue to do as discovery process as they grow/mature in being church? 

• How will leaders be chosen and by whom? 

• Where will they meet as church? What if they outgrow it? 

• How will 2nd generation groups be birthed? Who will equip this process for them? 

• How will they be coached to discover from the Lord and His Word what worship will look like? 

• What will be adjusted as well as what will be consistent from discovery study group to church? 

• How will you be intentional to coach newer house fellowships in DBS set for discovery of house fellowship biblical essentials? (typically the two areas of biblical church essentials practice which are not obeyed: stewardship of giving/offering and the observance of the Lord’s Supper)(Typically it is the Gen 0 which hampers this from happening) 

• How have new followers house fellowships been prepared for the pull of the traditional church/other workers who seek to influence in more traditional ways? 

• How will this church serve and bless its community? 

• Will this group continue to grow/add or will it multiply into other groups? 

• Based upon specific Holy Spirit led action steps in the area of reproduce church, how well would you say you are progressing? Share an example where you followed through and saw the Lord’s empowerment to do so. What is greatest hindrance for your local partners and new local leaders to reproduce healthy church? 

• What do you need to “stop doing”, and/or “start doing” in order to see reproducing house fellowships led by local UPG leaders?

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