Reproduce Laborers Part I
Coaching Questions:
• How are you praying when it comes to asking God for near-culture and indigenous catalysts?
As an outside catalyst, I am asking, “Lord, please build this team with inside catalysts and/or near neighbor workers who can help get the gospel and the end vision planted within the heart of local believers who will multiply to reach their people.” Pray that daily!!
• How often have you listed all the believers you know who are in your area? In what ways could I increase in praying for movement vision for them? In what ways am I recruiting intercessors to join me in this request? Mobilize prayer for end vision DNA for them.
• Describe ways you are presently casting vision effectively to:
*faithful followers?
*traditional CPers?
*3rd and 4th stage churches?
*new POPs?
*ministry partners—organization, home church, donors?
*Near neighbor workers?
• What DMM training process to reproduce laborers will you facilitate when you find someone who is interested? Who else can you bring along as a trainer as you? How well do you feel you can evaluate next steps with those person/persons?
• What is your follow up process in going out among the lost with the ones you are training?
• What is your follow up process in coaching on-goingly, those who are desiring to implement?
• In what ways can you increase in prayer and mobilizing prayer for laborers? In what ways is the Lord leading you to obey the Luke 10:2 command to ask the Lord of the harvest to thrust out workers into His harvest fields?
• One of CPM global patterns when it comes to possible workers is to be intentional to ask the Lord to lead one to the people who are hungry to see a change in the status quo. How might you utilize this pattern in looking for those whom God is raising up to equip them to reproduce?
• Who are the people who resonate with the 4 stages of a movement/church life doc?Who among local workers is simply desperate for help/relief from over work? Being fruitful but at capacity?
• Who are the people who are already serving in this area?
• With a posture of a life-long learner and in heaps of humility, listen to these workers. Listen to their stories. Affirm them where you can. Pray with them for their needs, challenges, hopes, fears. Listen to what they pray for and what they pray for you as they pray for you.
• Go out with them prayer-walking. See their heart and what they do. How do you observe their level of teachability in how they interact with others and with you?
• Let them see what you do. Model with them as you implement together. How could you increase in this area of taking others with you as you look for Persons of Peace? What are context specific challenges which you need ideas to overcome in this area of MAWL?
• When you sense the timing fit, establish that we seem to be like-minded in that we both desire to see the fulfillment of the Great Commission. (Establish common points of common ground)
• Ask them to write out a pathway to loving and obeying Jesus in these words of Matthew 28:16-20. Ask them to do so on a napkin or one sheet of paper (with chalk, in the sand, with stick figure, e.g.) Then, ask them if anyone who desires, both uneducated as well as highly educated could look over the pathway to making disciples and do likewise? Then, if they are still with you, offer to draw out a pathway which is 2,000 years new which is based upon Jesus and what He modeled to His disciples and to us. How well can you draw out the DMM Heart and Four Fields in a simple format?
• Model Luke 10 and DMM vision and DNA.
• Who is willing to gather a group to be trained?
• Who are new believers (harvested-harvesters) who are potential to be trained to enter the harvest force?
• Who are people who have started new work and are unsure of next steps or are stuck at some stage?
• If you do not feel equipped in the ability to get the help they need, then who do you plan on contacting to get coached in helping you to further be equipped to coach them?
• Who is already using simple tools? Reproducible tools? Vision Cast for movements with them.
• Who are gateway workers who could/would open worker communities?
• Based upon specific HS led action steps for your AMP in the area of reproduce laborers, how well would you say you are progressing? Share an example where you followed through and saw the Lord’s empowerment to do so. What is greatest hindrance for your local partners and new local leaders to reproduce laborers (train others to implement)?
• What do you need to “stop doing”, and/or “start doing” in order to trust God to raise up other laborers?
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